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And the things that destabilised her.Related: How to Make a Classic Bourbon Manhattan – You only need three main ingredients to make a classic bourbon Manhattan cocktail recipe at home. And that's what she was really stressing today. "And according to our calculations, they will lead to a fiscal crisis over the next 10 years because of the lack of growth and the lack of tax revenue coming up against the demands for public services. We've got to get out of this cul-de-sac, because if you look at the prospects now, they're for zero growth. "I think it's all coming back because everyone realises we're in a cul-de-sac. It is put to him that growth has become a dirty word in British politics. "Well, I suppose so, if you think that that was what caused all the problems," he says. He is asked if he is partly to blame for the tanked economy, given that she cited him as an economist who agreed with her plans.

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Up now is Patrick Minford , professor of applied economics at Cardiff Business School - a man once described as "the one-time pin-up boy of the free market" - who is said to have inspired former prime minister Liz Truss's economic plans. "But you have to recognise that if you do it that way, it's a huge cost to people's lives and that's not fair."

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"So it's not you know, we don't want growth in the economy. She admits herself she tried to do it too quickly. "And that's what's difficult for people to swallow, that they had to pay the cost of Liz Truss's experiment, which she now refuses to accept, was damaging. "Because the costs fell on the public, they fell on the people who are paying those mortgage rates, who are paying high rents, who are trying to cope with inflation," she said. Lib Dem MP Christine Jardine says growth should not be a dirty word, but says the problem was "this adherence to growth at all costs". "This woman is now telling porkies about why she didn't bring home the bacon, let's be honest, and taking economic lessons from Liz Truss is like taking lessons in international diplomacy from Kim Jong Un." "She talked about getting the pig ready for market and taking it to slaughter. "You have to give a commitment to look to keep this metaphor going. Responding to Liz Truss's speech today - in which she rejected claims she was responsible for tanking the UK economy with her mini-Budget, Nick Ferrari said: "My God, the brass neck of the woman. Shadow attorney general Emily Thornberry said: "At a time when we have a record backlog for rape cases going through our court system, ministers should be doing everything possible to support the victims of those attacks, and help them with the trauma they are facing." Labour has subsequently accused the government of displaying an "unforgivable lack of urgency" in tackling the needs of rape victims and implementing crucial recommendations made by two scathing reports. It said a Freedom of Information request to HM Courts and Tribunal Service revealed 7,859 sexual offence cases and 1,851 adult rape cases are waiting to be heard. The charity Rape Crisis England & Wales said its Breaking Point report highlighted a "record high" backlog in the crown courts, with victims and survivors of rape and other sexual offences facing "an average wait of 839 days from report to completion in court" - more than two years. The allegations against Russell Brand come after the release earlier this year of a report that showed victims of rape and sexual assault were waiting years for their cases to be heard. The former minister ends by telling Sophy that she doesn't think Mr Brand is "the only one at fault here", and that media organisations who employed him "need to be held to account" and will be looked at "by the court of public opinion". I hope this isn't the case here but if there is I hope it gives government impetus to take action." media organisations have been using industry standard non disclosure agreements when people suffer unlawful wrongdoing at work. Ms Miller said she also wanted to look into people who still feel they can't speak out, wondering whether non-disclosure agreements or NDAs had led to people being "silenced".

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She said she wanted media organisations to explain why they didn't have policies in place to help the women, adding: "We are not talking about historic allegations, we are talking about things that happened in very recent years and I think they have got to be hold accountable for how they are treating their staff." Ms Miller says the incident "raises a number of questions", not just for Mr Brand but the organisations the women were working for - and the fact they didn't feel they could speak out at the time. Former equalities minister and culture secretary Maria Miller is the next guest up on tonight's Politics Hub with Sophy Ridge.Īnd the conversation starts with the Russell Brand allegations, with Sophy asking the Tory MP how concerned she is about the claims and the media culture?

Secret drinks cabinet