Draftsight export
Draftsight export

  1. #Draftsight export how to
  2. #Draftsight export pdf

#Draftsight export pdf

All uploaded PDF files are immediately sent to servers for conversion and then removed from the servers without a trace shortly after conversion. Existing data may be overwritten.This PDF converter to AutoCAD is an online tool and requires internet connection.

  • Save back to drawing properties data: Stores the specified metadata in the Drawings Properties of the drawing file.
  • Save to PDF document properties data: Enhances the exported PDF file with the specified document properties metadata.
  • Producer (generated automatically): Reports the converter engine used by the application to create the PDF file.
  • Creator (generated automatically): Reports the source application of the PDF file.
  • Subject: Type the subject of the document.
  • Various search engines use the title to describe the document in their search results lists. Keywords are useful for narrowing searches.
  • Keywords: Type keywords to associate them with the PDF document during a search.
  • Author: Type the name of the person who created the document.
  • In Document properties, specify information about the document:.
  • Otherwise, the SHX-based annotations are converted so they appear as real text lines in the PDF file using a corresponding or similar TrueType font, which lets you select annotations in the PDF file as text objects.
  • SHX text as geometry: Annotations based on SHX fonts are output with lines and arcs.
  • As geometry: Converts annotations that use TrueType fonts into outlined geometry in the PDF file.
  • This may influence the output performance, but reduces the file size.
  • Optimized: Specifies whether to use True Type font-related optimization when creating the PDF file.
  • Embedded: Embeds the TrueType fonts used in the drawing's annotations in the output file.
  • #Draftsight export how to

    True Type fonts: Specifies how to handle annotations using TrueType fonts:.If you intend to print the PDF file to a specific output device, you may want to specify a resolution that matches the printer's resolution. The file size increases if you set a higher resolution. Custom bitmap resolution: Gradient fills and shaded objects and Viewports in the drawing are output with the dots per inch resolution specified in DPI (max.Use layers in PDF file (PDF v1.5): Creates layers in the PDF file according to the layers in the drawing.For more information on PrintStyles see Managing PrintStyle Tables. From the list of PrintStyle table files, select the file to apply.

    draftsight export

    Use print style table: Maps layer colors or entity colors to the specifications defined in a PrintStyle table file (*.ctb, or *.stb).Specify Options for the PDF file generation:.Custom to specify the Width and Height of a custom format using the Units you select.Standard to select a standard format from the list of paper sizes.In Paper Size, select one of the following:.Note: Click Clear all to cancel the selections or Select all to select all Sheets. Each Sheet will be a separate page in the PDF file. In Sheets, select the Sheets to export.Click Browse to browse for a folder and name. In the dialog box, type the Name of the PDF file to create.Click File > Export > PDF Export (or type ExportPDF).Use the ExportPDF command to save the current view to a PDF (Portable Document Format) file.

    Draftsight export